Dániel Horn

About me

I am a senior fellow and head of the Education and Labour Economics research unit at the Institute of Economics of the HUN-REN Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (KRTK) and an associate professor at the Economics Institute of the Corvinus University of Budapest

I also act as the president of the Hungarian Society of Economics and as the president of the National Statistical Council. In between 2019 and 2023 I was the director of the Institute of Economics of the KRTK.

Previously, I have held positions at the Institut für Höchere Studien (AT), Eötvös Lóránd University (HU), Education Authority (HU), European University Institute (IT), Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Socialforschung (GER) and at the National Institute for Public Education (HU).

My research revolves around the reasons for success in education, be it individual (family background, cognitive or non-cognitive skills) or system level (early childhood education, early selection, vocational training, school-to-work transition, peer effects, and more.)

Currently, I am interested in the effectiveness and equality of elite secondary education, which I am conducting within the Horizon-Europe EFFEct project, whilst running side projects on educational inequality and gender differences in economic preferences.

I have gained an MA (2004) and a Ph.D. (2010) in political science from the Central European University; and an MSc in economics (2002) from the University of Economics, Budapest. In 2017 I habilitated in sociology at ELTE.

I have also acted as an associate editor of the European Sociological Review (2017-2024).

Here are my institutional websites: KRTK, Corvinus

Here are my scholarly webpages: Google Scholar, Researchgate, LinkedIn,

Here is my newest CV

Here is a list of selected publications

Here are all the young scholars that I have worked with.

You can reach me at horn.daniel@krtk.hun-ren.hu